Tag Archives: Monotony

Getting good at the little things

Yes, I’m a little guilty of being too ‘big-picture’ about life. Passionately engaged with the way things might be! I get excited by the potential of the future…for my kids, for my family, for church & community. Giving my energy to the task of finding a way forward is a joy to me. Project-focused? Probably. When dead-lines hit, slightly manic? It’s unfortunately undeniable: I’m occasionally careless about the little things. Washing, dishes, you know food in the fridge that sort of thing is fairly little. As lovely as vision is it’s the little things that get you there. It’s not just important for me though. What I am, those in my household may also have the tendency to become….oh dear.


Is it possible to be passionate about monotony? Perhaps a better word is purposeful. Purposeful in today to the benefit of tomorrow. Intentional in the little things so they may one day grow into much bigger things. It need not only be chores, basic well-being has sometimes become a bit of a little thing. Eat well, sleep well (ummm 20mth DD doesn’t sleep), drink water, laugh, encourage someone, give a hug, take a walk. So this post has become a bit of a confession! Little things only get that way with perspective.


I love remembering the truth that there is only one constant, God. I am the variable. His model of constant mercy, unfailing love & faithfulness, and the unalterable history of God’s people found in the bible drive me on. Yay for God. So can he buy the groceries, drink more water and hang the washing with me? Absolutely! Finding the meaning in the little things is like conversation with the Almighty.
